Beaver to NSQ
Beaver to NSQ
Configuring Beaver as a producer for nsq.
For the examples below,
was used as the docker host IP. Change the example to the docker host ip in your environment.
Beaver configuration
Set the output of Beaver to be an HTTP POST to nsqd.
logstash_version: 1
transport: http
Setting up nsqd to listent to that port is documented on a different readme in this directory.
Checking out setup.
Write to our log file
echo "my log message" >> in.log
Beaver will read this list from the file and then POST that message to nsqd. The message is sent as the body of the POST.
Checking our config
On one terminal check nsqlookupd for the topic “test”.
watch -n 0.5 "curl -s curl"
On another terminal check nsqd for increments in messages with the topic “test”
watch -n 0.5 "curl -s"